RK PhoneKeys 1.2 (c) Copyright 1996 Rich Karibian To install, simply copy these (2) files to the same directory and run the exe file. 1) rk_phone.exe ----- Application - should be 295,680 bytes ( 289KB ) 2) rk_phone.txt ----- Program information file Note: This is a FREE shareware version, you should not have paid for this. Also check that the application file size (shown above) is the same. If not, then check for viruses (you should do this anyway). Always download from a reliable source. Any problems, contact us. (e-mail addresses and web site are below) E-Mail: 71127.2574@compuserve.com -or- RichKar@aol.com Web Site: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/laser/ To register Rk-PhoneKeys, send the form below along with $5 to: RK Software 831 Lawrence Court Westbury, NY 11590 You'll receive the latest version of program (without startup delay) on 3.5" diskette along with shareware versions of our other software. Current shareware available: RK-MakeMeLaugh Win95 program that creates funny random sentences. Similiar to "mad lips" except sentences are generated randomly and will be different every time. Best played with a group of friends. Enter names (everyone you know, celebrities, politicians, etc.) enter all the funny verbs, adjectives, food items, and body parts you can think of, then press a button and take turns "reading aloud" the sentences trying NOT TO LAUGH. RK-NetMon Win95 program to monitor a Novell Netware file server. Shows connnection information, print servers, print queues, bindery objects, clear connections and sends messages. RK-PhoneKeys Enter a numeric phone number and the program will display every possible letter combination (of phone keys) for that number. Enter a phone number as letters and the program will show the numeric version of those letters. Useful if you want to find a easy to remember "word" for a phone number or want a fast way to find the numeric version of a "Word" phone number. RK-Transfer Win95 program to transfer and update files from one computer to another using removable media (diskette, Iomega, Syquest, etc..) Useful if you use a computer at work and at home, and need to keep both computers updated with the same files. RK-MacWin Win95 program to make MAC binary encoded files usable on a PC. Progam analyzes the MAC binary header information, shows original name of file, data & resource lengths, type of program etc. Makes a copy of the file (with or without the header info). Useful if you get through e-mail or download files originally created on the MAC. RK-VCRTime Ever need to record program longer than the rated tape length - but didn't want to use 2 tapes or sacrifice quality by recording everything in the SLP or EP mode? You can record most of the tape in the SP (High Quality) mode, and a small portion in the SLP (or EP) mode. This program will make those calculations to record any length program on any length tape. Customization is available for a modest fee. Name _________________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State ________ Zip_______________ Country _________________________________________________________________ E-Mail _________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________ Fax ____________________________ Type of computer system: Brand ______________________ Type of processor 286__ 386__ 486__ Pentium__ Pentium-Pro__ Processor Speed ________MHz Amount of RAM ______MegaBytes Hard Disk Size __________ MB SCSI___ IDE___ EIDE___ ESDI___ Sound Card ______________________________________________________________ CD-ROM __________________________________________________________________ VIdeo Card_______________________________________________________________ O.S. DOS____ WIN 3.X_____ Win95_____ OS/2____ WinNT____ Modem_____________________________________________ Speed _______________ Internet Browser you are using___________________________________________ Where you obtained this program__________________________________________ Thanks -RK